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Sports>Cal and UK in deep doo-doo?
The Poet 12:19 PM 05-29-2010
See the latest update on my "College Hoops" thread.
kelmac07 12:33 PM 05-29-2010
Like this was a shock???
The Poet 12:35 PM 05-29-2010
Yeah, I am flabbergasted. :-)
kelmac07 01:08 PM 05-29-2010
So...does Calipari make another mad dash to the NBA? :-) :-)
The Poet 01:13 PM 05-29-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
So...does Calipari make another mad dash to the NBA? :-) :-)
Cal has spent the better portion of the last few weeks trying to quash rumors that he is fleeing to the pros, and assuring everyone that he wants to stay at Kentucky forever . . . so I'd guess yes. :-)