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General Discussion>Words that Heal
stitch 11:19 PM 05-27-2010
With Memorial Day coming a lot of us are preparing our Bar-B-Ques
A lot of us are preparing our thoughts and our souls.
This weekend at my gun show I met a Brother, A disabled Vietnam Marine.
We talked a lot, He told me his stories, I told him mine.
I told him of some things that had bothered me for all these years.
This Brother Marine who gave so much hugged me, and said some words to me that changed my life.
He made something that gnawed at me just go away with a few simple words.
He healed a long time wound in me.
Words that meant so much not only because of what they said, But because of who they came from.

To All my Brothers who went before me, Thank you for leading the way.
To All my Brothers who went with me, Thank you for being there … I miss you.
To all My Brothers who now go in my place, Thank you for taking up the fight to keep us Free.
DropTheE 11:30 PM 05-27-2010
I am so glad that you have been able to overcome, this is a VICTORY!! I celebrate your day of healing with you!!
Blindjimme 01:44 PM 05-28-2010
Powerful words indeed. I've always found you to be a man of good words in your stories and musings. Thanks for sharing this story.
Mugen910 01:47 PM 05-28-2010
Originally Posted by stitch:

To All my Brothers who went before me, Thank you for leading the way.
To All my Brothers who went with me, Thank you for being there … I miss you.
To all My Brothers who now go in my place, Thank you for taking up the fight to keep us Free.

The bond that makes us brothers is and always will be strong.

Thanks for sharing Jeff.

Semper Fidelis
SmokeyJoe 03:16 PM 05-28-2010
Your words have blessed ME today.

Hope tomorrow is even brighter for you!
Blueface 05:04 PM 05-28-2010
Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe:
Your words have blessed ME today.

Hope tomorrow is even brighter for you!

Well said Joe.
pnoon 06:34 PM 05-28-2010
I am thankful every day for those that serve and have served.

I'm truly happy for you that your Brother helped you out.
Diesel Kinevel 06:45 PM 05-28-2010
Powerful words indeed.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9

stitch 07:15 PM 05-28-2010
In 1975 while the last Marines were leaving South East Asia I was still in Boot Camp.
Those Men who came back and stayed in the Corps not only made me a Marine,
But they taught me lessons that they learned the hard way that would save my butt several times in years to come …. I served with many of these Vet’s for years to come.
I always felt that because of the timing of my enlistment that I owed a special debt to these Men that I could never repay.
And that the things I did endure over my ten years as a Marine were just partial payment.
This feeling was put to rest last weekend once and for all.
It’s funny how things work … Timing and all.
He and I are going to get together soon, Were’ gonna have a drink and I’m going to introduce him to cigars.
God closed a hole in my soul this week.
1badhog07 07:22 PM 05-28-2010
GOD put that brother in your life for a reason.
ahc4353 07:50 PM 05-28-2010
Jeff, I'm so glad you found peace with what was haunting you. I know my dad struggled with some things from the war. He shared some with me but I'm sure not all. I don't know if he ever came to terms with what haunted him but I sure as hell hope so. I have never served however, all that have, all that do and all that will will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank you for your service and you friendship.
G G 09:10 PM 05-28-2010
Thanks for sharing.
TripleF 09:15 PM 05-28-2010
Very touching bro. I am very happy for you!!

And, thanks.....thanks for dedicating to serving our country and freedoms.

God bless.
RevSmoke 09:29 PM 05-28-2010
God's blessings upon you - for sharing - for being there - for your service!
68TriShield 08:33 AM 05-29-2010
Jeff,if you ever decide to come see the war memorials in DC I must insist that we host you. :-)
kelmac07 12:39 PM 05-29-2010
Excellent post Jeff!! :-) :-)