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General Discussion>Google PacMan logo is playable
kydsid 11:24 AM 05-21-2010
Celebrates 30th anniversary of Pac Man. Just click and play with arrows or mouse.

Tomorrow 10% drop in daily GNP projected.
357 11:34 AM 05-21-2010
Originally Posted by kydsid:
Celebrates 30th anniversary of Pac Man. Just click and play with arrows or mouse.

Tomorrow 10% drop in daily GNP projected.
LOL thanks, wasting much time now.
Volt 11:36 AM 05-21-2010
They may have made it to subtle with the button that says insert coin. Work production today already exceeds 30 min.
fhrblig 11:52 AM 05-21-2010
Originally Posted by Volt:
They may have made it to subtle with the button that says insert coin. Work production today already exceeds 30 min.
Actually, if you just leave it on your screen for about 15 seconds, it will start up. And if you click 'insert coin' one more time,it becomes 2-player with Ms. Pac Man on the screen at the same time.
Blindjimme 12:27 PM 05-21-2010
I WON!! I'm just sayin'... I won.
Starscream 07:39 AM 05-24-2010
Just in case you missed it, you can still play it here:
G G 08:01 AM 05-24-2010
I played it a few times. :-)
mariogolbee 10:12 AM 05-24-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Just in case you missed it, you can still play it here:
catfish2 09:47 PM 05-24-2010
I was actually just starting to get good at it. Boy, this brings back memories.
T.G 10:56 PM 05-24-2010
Originally Posted by mariogolbee:
Enjoy it while you can. I heard it was only going to be available for 48 hours after the 21st ends, unlike the other google logos which are available basically forever.

Which, if accurate, should have it going away sometime tonight.
MedicCook 11:02 PM 05-24-2010
I had to force myself to stop.
Starscream 07:41 AM 05-25-2010
Originally Posted by T.G:
Enjoy it while you can. I heard it was only going to be available for 48 hours after the 21st ends, unlike the other google logos which are available basically forever.

Which, if accurate, should have it going away sometime tonight.
It's still here this morning. I hope it stays for a bit (although I have Pacman on almost every game system I've ever owned).
T.G 10:02 AM 05-25-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
It's still here this morning. I hope it stays for a bit (although I have Pacman on almost every game system I've ever owned).
Looks like it was initially supposed to be 48 hours, but the massive feedback from the user base had Google rethink things and make it a permanent addition to the library.
T.G 11:40 AM 05-25-2010
This just keeps getting better...

Some people were reporting that the google homepage was virus infected (or really wondering what that siren was, as the page loaded in a second tab).

All kinds of unintentionally hilarious stupid comments over there.
Starscream 11:42 AM 05-25-2010
Originally Posted by T.G:
This just keeps getting better...

Some people were reporting that the google homepage was virus infected (or really wondering what that siren was, as the page loaded in a second tab).

All kinds of unintentionally hilarious stupid comments over there.