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dccraft 09:46 AM 05-13-2010
Just got back from the eye surgeon and he tells me I need to take it easy for a few days. I had an unexpected tear in my retina and they hustled me in & took care of me this AM. He did a pneumatic retinopexy (sounds manly to me) and now I just need to heal up.

Get this... my wife asked the Dr, if could have my cigar and he said sure. :-) Just keep the eye covered and I will be able to enjoy one later this PM.

With the eye patch I get to "smoke like a pirate" :-)

Would appreciate any good thoughts from the crew here. Thanks.
captain53 09:57 AM 05-13-2010
My kind of Dr and good for your Wife asking! Take care of it and enjoy the side effects of relaxing and smoking!:-)
Don Fernando 09:58 AM 05-13-2010
smoking with an eye patch is sooooo "epic 2009 Tulip Twin US road trip" :-)





take care of that eye though, hope the problem will be gone soon
galaga 09:59 AM 05-13-2010
Get Well. Soon.
jjirons69 09:59 AM 05-13-2010
Arrggg! Best of wishes on the eye. You don't need depth perception to enjoy that smoke!! :-)
replicant_argent 09:59 AM 05-13-2010
say "Aaaarrrrgh" a lot. It's really all in the presentation.

and as long as we are talking about presentation, you would really be out of character without some rum.
357 09:59 AM 05-13-2010
Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.

And enjoy that smoke. Arrrrrrrrrggggghhhh!!! :-)
kelmac07 11:53 AM 05-13-2010
Ayyyy matey!!! :-) Here's to a speedy recovery.
CigarNut 12:06 PM 05-13-2010
Enjoy your cigars and get well soon!
Volt 12:19 PM 05-13-2010
:-) I just knew before I looked those pics would re-surface! Good Times.
BigCat 12:21 PM 05-13-2010
My dad had the same thing happen - a partial tear in the retina. They did the emergency repair and then it fully detached. He had that repaired too and everything is fine now - I tell you only to warn you to make sure you're careful and get back to the doc ASAP if anything seems funny (other than the fact that you're wearing a patch!).
smokin5 02:09 PM 05-13-2010
Wahl shiver me stogies, matey, that's a hole in the hull, fer shore.

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

In the meantime, keep a parrot on your shoulder to complete the
Smokin Pirate look. A pair of high boots wouldn't hurt either, y'know. :-)
chippewastud79 03:20 PM 05-13-2010
Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.

Arghhhh :-)
DPD6030 05:53 PM 05-13-2010
Thoughts and prayers for you Doug. The eye patch is cool. Now go dress up like a pirate and give yer wife the best "Arrrr" you can. :-)
Emjaysmash 06:29 PM 05-13-2010

Get Well Soon!