cigarzz 01:49 PM 05-06-2010
nozero 04:42 PM 05-06-2010
Yota1 05:42 PM 05-06-2010
duckmanco 11:32 PM 05-06-2010
it really is amazing that handmade cigars can cost as little as SOME do. Love watching that.
KenyanSandBoa 08:45 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by Yota1:
truly an art
:-) It would take me 30 minutes to do that...if I'm lucky.
nomadicwookie 08:46 AM 05-07-2010
jmsremax 09:12 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by KenyanSandBoa:
:-) It would take me 30 minutes to do that...if I'm lucky.
prove it!
KenyanSandBoa 09:21 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by jmsremax:
prove it!
I could if you weren't wussing out on the gathering tonight.
You'll just have to read my disclaimer first:
The completed rolling time for the cigar was calculated using the annualized mean of the sample based on a geometrically linked intra-period standard deviation statistic within a 95% confidence interval of the total sample recorded.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.
jmsremax 09:46 AM 05-07-2010
Originally Posted by KenyanSandBoa:
You'll just have to read my disclaimer first:
The completed rolling time for the cigar was calculated using the annualized mean of the sample based on a geometrically linked intra-period standard deviation statistic within a 95% confidence interval of the total sample recorded.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Did you copy and paste a line or two from one of our prospectus?
CigarNut 11:42 AM 05-07-2010
This was very cool to watch. I've seen cigars being rolled before, but they always started with the filler and binder already rolled. This is the first time I have seen the entire process and it was truly amazing!
Thanks for sharing!
maninblack 12:00 PM 05-07-2010
Damn that was sweet to watch. That is an art form that would take me years, many years, to perfect. Maybe in another life.
kelmac07 01:27 PM 05-07-2010