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Entertainment>M*A*S*H: Trapper vs. BJ
boonedoggle 12:29 AM 05-01-2010
I have really enjoyed watching the MASH TV series since I was a kid. It wasn't until I was older that I realized that the show was actually a spin-off from a movie with the same title.
The series was amazing for many reasons, but the most outstanding I can think of is that the show went ELEVEN seasons based on a war that lasted 3 years! Through different character and actor changes, the show survived even to this day in syndication by addressing various political, moral, and cultural topics.
On to the topic:
Although Hawkeye was my favorite character, I liked BJ better than Trapper. It took a while throughout the show, but I think the lasting appeal between the two characters is why the show lasted as long as it did.
Eleven 08:34 AM 05-02-2010
I liked Trapper better. BJ seemed like more like a Father-figure, or calming influence on Hawkeye, and Trapper was just balls-out fun and mayhem.

I will never forgive M*A*S*H for killing off Henry. That sucked and ruined my childhood!

Ok, it didn't ruin my childhood, but it still sucked!
Texan in Mexico 08:40 AM 05-02-2010
Excellent thread! BJ by far!
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Kreth 08:52 AM 05-02-2010
Definitely a classic. BJ had his moments, remember he was the practical joke master.
Watching it in syndication now, I definitely preferred the tone of the series before Alda got involved behind the camera. Some of the later episodes are a little preachy for my taste.
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