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General Discussion>The office copier may hold secrets on you....
captain53 04:56 PM 04-30-2010
This is some kind of scary to know::-)
kydsid 05:01 PM 04-30-2010
Wow is right
bvilchez 05:04 PM 04-30-2010
That's crazy!!!
GTCanuk 05:16 PM 04-30-2010
Don't have to worry here, work for cheap skates, no digital copier here:-):-)
n3uka 05:57 PM 04-30-2010
No more Kinkos for me
thebayratt 10:38 PM 04-30-2010
Whats crazy is the story is basically telling a identity thief to go get a used copier and start taking data........... I'd rather be left in the dark.