Get it, live it, dig it.
Seriously, with Amazon allowing downloads for like 99 cents a song, a person would be crazy not
to ride around all day listening to this. One of the best albums of the 80s. Here are two cuts
and a few extras I like.
This is pretty vintage when it comes to J.J. Nothing big band or weirder about it, although J.J.
was maligned late in his career for trying new things that interested him, as are most other artists
who evolve and leave fans behind.
Excerpt from CRIME DON'T PAY from that album
I got drunk with a real nice guy last night,
in a mood to talk or fight,
he said "Hey, wassamatter it don't look like you do so bad",
I said "I just been taken, for everything I had..
Someone took a fancy to my wallet and my coat, say what you smilin' at,
ain't you been in that's something that there really should be something
done about," He said, "Don't knock it sonny, that's the way I started out, now I got
a nice suit, I got a nice car, it's been a nice day, don't tell me that crime DON'T PAY."