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All Cigar Discussion>The joy of cigars
GreekGodX 05:41 AM 04-27-2010
What's guilt? :-)
CigarNut 09:13 AM 04-27-2010
Could not have said it better myself! You sir, are a poet! (Is there an official CA Poet? :-))
thebiglebowski 09:18 AM 04-27-2010
i like cigars.
tomc3084 09:27 AM 04-27-2010
I absolutely love cigars, I really don't know where I'd be without them. They allowed me to put all the negative energy I was putting into Heroin into something positive and fun.....I love the hobby and the people, especially everyone here, you are so generous and so easy to make friends with, don't know what I'd do without you guys, I spend at least 1-2 hours here a day.
Blueface 10:00 AM 04-27-2010
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
Scuba? Ok maybe not so well.
Man, no wonder I thought they were a bit over humidified. :-):-):-)
ScottieM 10:11 AM 04-27-2010
Nice way to Sugar Coat our really really expensive Hobby Dave!!:-)
nomadicwookie 10:28 AM 04-27-2010
I must admit I do feel a little guilty if I smoke more than 1 cigar in a day. It doesn't stop me or anything:-)
itzfrank 02:07 PM 04-27-2010
Good read.
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