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General Discussion>Need help from Military members!!!
Ogre 07:58 PM 04-22-2010
I am trying to find a Navy rank patch for a WWII Vet. I am looking for the rank patch for a Pharmacist Mate 3/c. i am making a Shadow Box for a friend (to display his medals). He is in his 80s and not in good heath and his medals were never properly displayed. Any help would be appreciated.
leasingthisspace 08:05 PM 04-22-2010

Is this it?
Volt 08:17 PM 04-22-2010
Originally Posted by leasingthisspace:

Is this it?

Tabb that is an E6 patch, he needs E4, one chevron - not three. Good spot on Ebay though.

Ogre, if that is the patch (with the cross), I have a few contacts around the Norfolk area - I can ask around for you. If I remember correctly though, the Phamacists was it's own it's own rating and prolly isn't the cross.
Volt 08:19 PM 04-22-2010
Originally Posted by Ogre3239:
I am trying to find a Navy rank patch for a WWII Vet. I am looking for the rank patch for a Pharmacist Mate 3/c. i am making a Shadow Box for a friend (to display his medals). He is in his 80s and not in good heath and his medals were never properly displayed. Any help would be appreciated.
Try here...
Ogre 08:22 PM 04-22-2010
Thanks guys, I did find it on E-Bay. I did not even think about looking there. The Pharmacist was the predecessor to the Navy Medic. It is the same patch. Thanks again for the lead.