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Entertainment>Jessica Simpson no make-up
e-man67 08:13 AM 04-09-2010

I know she is a rock-head and her lack of intelligence was actually a huge turn off for me...but DAMN is she sexy without makeup! :-):-):-)
alwayslit 08:24 AM 04-09-2010
I'd hit that!
elderboy02 08:29 AM 04-09-2010
Me likey :-)
GreekGodX 08:45 AM 04-09-2010
I was ready to be disgusted, and I was going to :-) at e-man for ruining my mental image of her. Fortunate for him he made me lust for Jessica even more :-)
kelmac07 09:23 AM 04-09-2010
She is, as Tbone would say, "Fine as frogs hair split three ways". :-)
MedicCook 09:29 AM 04-09-2010
You can have her. I have never seen the big deal about her.