guado 01:45 PM 04-05-2010
Is this a bad thing? I can't seem to find it in my house!
Must keep searching!
wolfandwhisky 01:53 PM 04-05-2010
Next time you plan on losing a box, you're welcome to just send it to me instead.
Sending a box to a forum BOTL
Losing a box
issues 01:53 PM 04-05-2010
I wouldn't consider it a good thing...
Keep looking brother, keep looking.
I would call it quite a bad thing, I have never lost a cigar, let alone a whole box especially the size of a liberty box. you must have a big house
sikk50 02:04 PM 04-05-2010
I came home drunk one night and woke up to find out I stacked my cigars like Lincoln Logs once, but I've never played hide and seek with a box before!
tobii3 02:05 PM 04-05-2010
Originally Posted by :
...but I've never played hide and seek with a box before!
The opportunity for this comment is endless......
elderboy02 02:36 PM 04-05-2010
How do you lose a box of cigars?
wolfandwhisky 02:40 PM 04-05-2010
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
How do you lose a box of cigars?
Keystone Light.
maninblack 02:48 PM 04-05-2010
Losing a whole box of quality smokes is always a bad thing. If that happened in my house, I'd upend the whole place looking for them.
dyieldin 03:27 PM 04-05-2010
I know where they are. You put them way back in the closest that one might so you would not lose them. You could pass me one for providing this information.
guado 03:44 PM 04-05-2010
HAHAHA, you guys kill me!
They are found! I keep the box stuffed with bovedas. Cigar box tetris can't make it fit in the cabinet. Apparently I moved it to a deep dark corner of a closet and forgot I did. It has been located all is well, no one will die.
dyieldin 03:51 PM 04-05-2010
guado 03:53 PM 04-05-2010
On a positive not I found a half ful box of casa fuente's in the same closet! HAHAHAHA I love loosing cigars. I now remember I moved them when I had family coming over. They disapprove of smoking and drinking.
alwayslit 03:49 PM 04-06-2010
cigarmonkel 04:08 PM 04-06-2010
Originally Posted by tobii3:
The opportunity for this comment is endless......
whodeeni 11:25 PM 04-06-2010
Originally Posted by whodeeni:
Hope you find it!
pssst... read post 11...
guado 07:38 AM 04-07-2010
Originally Posted by sikk50:
I've never played hide and seek with a box before!
Just had to re-up this quote!
whodeeni 11:44 AM 04-07-2010
I've never had one of those before... wanna hook me up in a blind trade?
Originally Posted by guado:
Just had to re-up this quote! :-)