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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Smoker Cloaker?
dox47 12:55 AM 03-27-2010
Anyone have any experience with these things? I keep seeing them advertised on FSS/Cigar Monster, and though I'm always interested in anything that can keep my cigars and my girlfriend at peace I'm sort of skeptical. From the description they sound like air ionizers, and I haven't had much luck with those in the past, though I've never had one specifically designed for cigars either.
Parshooter 07:30 AM 03-27-2010
Yeah, that's basically an ionizer-type device. It won't clear the air of smoke, just will clean the air of the smell.
sikk50 09:36 PM 03-29-2010
Darrell (Skywalker) uses one, it doesn't clear the smoke out like said above but it does a pretty good job of removing the smell and to the best of my knowledge keeps it from lingering