View Poll Results: Which one to smoke/review?
Voters: 41. You may not vote on this poll
RightAJ 03:19 PM 03-15-2010
Going to the shop to smoke and review a stick in about an hour or so... which one??
-HDM EL 07
-OR Cain F
-Tat Black Tubo
stearns 03:21 PM 03-15-2010
BryanB 03:28 PM 03-15-2010
I think the HDM would be the better smoke. That should make for a better review.
jledou 03:28 PM 03-15-2010
I just had the HDM EL 07 in Moscow last Friday Night.
icehog3 03:37 PM 03-15-2010
None of them, smoke something good.
colinb913 03:41 PM 03-15-2010
Tat review would be nifty..
NeverEnoughStick 03:44 PM 03-15-2010
Interested in your take on the Black tubo....But any would be welcomed
rizzle 03:44 PM 03-15-2010
I'd go with the Hoyo because of those three I haven't had one of those and I have no desire to smoke a Cain.
maninblack 03:49 PM 03-15-2010
Definitely the Hoyo. The Cain and Tat have been reviewed to death.
smoke the Hoyo AJ!!
I smoked a Cain F last week.
...well half of a Cain. I let it burn out after that.
They're f*ckin' gross dude!
RightAJ 06:50 PM 03-15-2010
The Hoya bit the dust... er, ash. Review up soon!