Tashaz 07:03 PM 03-23-2010
Originally Posted by colinb913:
And the sheets are just as refillable as the beads, correct?
The sheets work exactly the same as the beads, they are the same material. I use small pieces as travel humidifiers in my bombs & they work just fine. I always have a few sheets in the Wineador, conditioning themselves.
leasingthisspace 07:05 PM 03-23-2010
I need to get some sheets cuz I would look in the wineador.
Posted via Mobile Device
joeobx 08:30 PM 03-23-2010
Originally Posted by pnoon:
That is it in a nutsack . . . er . . . nutshell. :-)
Dam near made me spit beer on the screen
captain53 08:40 PM 03-23-2010
Originally Posted by joeobx:
Dam near made me spit beer on the screen:-)
PadillaGuy 08:43 PM 03-23-2010
When I get in more sticks that I currently have room for in my humi's I store them in their cello's in Ziploc quart sized freezer bags which I leave slightly open. These I store in a latch closing "tupperware" container containing a CI ziploc bag (good to recycle...) which I've filled with TerraSorb crystals. These are moisture crystals intended for gardeners to keep water in their plants. I've found that I can keep a constant 70% with this system. I even put together one for my son when I gave him 30 or so smokes that I just wasn't thrilled by... for him, it was a windfall....
The crystals are about 15 bucks at a garden center. They absorb a **** load of H20 and hold their humidity for an extremely long time...
Might be worth a try...
macsauce13 09:32 PM 03-23-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Maybe Scott or Dave will chime in here, but I believe that the basic premise was that will the litter products could absorb humidity, they couldn't release it, so one would still need a humidification "releasing" agent of some type (distilled water, gel, solution, etc) in their humidor. The beads perform both functions, releasing and/or absorbing as the need arises.
Personally, I am not going to try to save 10 bucks when it comes to caring for thousands of dollars worth of cigars...I want the very best, not an "economy" solution.
Again, I am speaking with very limited experience, but my understanding is that this kind in particular can release and absorb.
tupacboy 12:41 PM 03-24-2010
i've used both KL and Humidity beads... can't really tell the difference... for the KL i've used this one..
No problems with either one... the KL in my vinotemp stays rock steady at 68%... they carry this one as well... i havne't personally tried... but its basically the drymistat stuff...
i have emailed the plant personally... the blue = just dye... no deorderizing...
both the pearls and the crystals... according to the plant...they maintain "freshness" by keeping a certain % of humidity... which I assume is the 68%... cause that's where mine stays..
again this is just based from my experience.... not scientific or anything