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General Discussion>P90X Give me your thoughts, findings, suggestions
e-man67 12:07 PM 03-11-2010
So I have bee working out almost daily at the work gym and even taking a core class (which is kicking my azz). Went out to dinner with a friend that just finished the p90X series and is now doing Insanity Dvds. He said he has never been in better shape than he is now. I am going to invest in the series I think. Anyone have experience with this? Thoughts, comments?
leasingthisspace 12:08 PM 03-11-2010
I think there is a thread of people that use it.
Posted via Mobile Device
aich75013 12:09 PM 03-11-2010
I've seen the infomercials, but haven't tried it.

Here's some threads on it:
s0leful0ne 12:48 PM 03-11-2010
Theres no secret to it. Its just a tough tough workout. I tried the 16 minute ab workout...and gave up in 7 minutes.

Honestly, I've started working out at the gym to try and be fit enough to attempt P90X. LOL

I've heard is a good alternative.
e-man67 01:01 PM 03-11-2010
Cool...I will check it out!
Commander Quan 02:07 PM 03-11-2010
The program works. There is no secret to it it's just proper diet and alternating cardio and resistance workouts that make you want to die.
JE3146 02:24 PM 03-11-2010
I enjoyed it till school got too busy to do workouts. Really pissed me off because it was working and I felt better day to day, I just didn't have the time.

I'll be starting it again next term, hoping I have more time. In the 2-3 weeks I did it this term, I lost ~5 lbs or so. Was pretty incredible. I've continued eating better since then and have held my weight loss.

Multivitamins and a protein supplement are a MUST.
forgop 01:03 PM 03-14-2010
The plyometrics DVD is KILLER.
mosesbotbol 04:12 PM 03-14-2010
If you can work out in front of and follow a workout on TV, more power to you.
ucubed 04:27 PM 03-14-2010
I've done some searching on reviews on this before and my findings are...

Insanity it's a 60 program with intense cardio workouts and little no no weight training. It's suppose to be similar to Plyometrics in P90 but much more intense and difficult. It's all about cutting weight. Not recommended for those with bad knees because there is a lot of jumping and leg movement.

P90x is the one with the weights training. It will not only slim you down some, but you will gain muscle mass...this is the main difference between insanity. It's a 90 day program that is meant for you to gain that muscle and lose fat.

Both programs are similar to any fitness program, but much more intense. The main thing however in both programs is sticking to a DIET...Dieting is going to be one of the biggest contributors to losing fat or gaining muscle. Anyone can lose weight by cutting back their daily caloric intake.
JE3146 06:03 PM 03-14-2010
Originally Posted by ucubed:
I've done some searching on reviews on this before and my findings are...

Insanity it's a 60 program with intense cardio workouts and little no no weight training. It's suppose to be similar to Plyometrics in P90 but much more intense and difficult. It's all about cutting weight. Not recommended for those with bad knees because there is a lot of jumping and leg movement.

P90x is the one with the weights training. It will not only slim you down some, but you will gain muscle mass...this is the main difference between insanity. It's a 90 day program that is meant for you to gain that muscle and lose fat.

Both programs are similar to any fitness program, but much more intense. The main thing however in both programs is sticking to a DIET...Dieting is going to be one of the biggest contributors to losing fat or gaining muscle. Anyone can lose weight by cutting back their daily caloric intake.
Adding to what Kevin said.

Biggest difference between the P90X Diet and most others is if you don't eat enough, you will actually look worse at the end of the program than if you ate the recommended caloric intake. Obviously it's all about what you eat, but in this program it's also about the quantity of what you eat. Some of the portions are absolutely huge. But it's welcomed when you literally have to crawl off the mat and out of the pool of your own sweat.
Ranger_B 09:40 PM 03-14-2010
Before my back issues I did cross fit and had huge success with it. My physical therapist is doing P90x and loves it. She has been doing if for a month now and has nothing but good things to say.
GreekGodX 02:55 AM 03-15-2010
Eric I would go with a TRX band. Look it up here

Endless number of excercises, can take it anywhere and in the long run you'll get more use out of it. Just another option :-)
Wanger 02:00 PM 03-15-2010
Screw that...sign up for a triathlon and swim, bike and run your ass off. :-) I did, and I still am. :-)
ade06 03:36 PM 03-15-2010
P90X sucks! It makes you work out 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day, 6 days a week and then at the end of the program you're all buff and cut. No thanks, instead of a six pack stomach, I'll keep working on my keg! Seriously, it's hard work, but it does work and you will see results!
ucubed 04:19 PM 03-15-2010
Originally Posted by Wanger:
Screw that...sign up for a triathlon and swim, bike and run your ass off. :-) I did, and I still am. :-)
That's what we are starting Mike...We'll start off with a sprint triathalon, Aldrin, David and myself that is...However I may not do it because I need a bike and won't be spending money on one...swimming starts tomorrow
colinb913 04:24 PM 03-15-2010
P90x is an amazing workout program. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
chubby 06:40 AM 03-16-2010
I weighed 152lbs when I started it and got down to 142lbs in a month and a half. Wife got upset because I was losing too much weight and made me stop. It works if you stick to it. I was actually doing somewhat two-a-days. I'd go to the gym and do my normal weight workout and then get home and do the cardio there.
kaisersozei 06:57 AM 03-16-2010
I'm a big believer in P90X. The changes I've experienced in the past year (two times through the program) are impressive. Just wish I had found this when I was younger than 46! It's really become a way of life. Dropped from 20% body fat last January to 8% now, and I've got more muscle definition, strength & energy than I did when I was in my 30s.

I'm now 6 weeks into a P90X/Insanity hybrid, trying to get rid of that last bit of belly fat. Let me know if you want any more info, I'd be happy to help!