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All Cigar Discussion>Finding my taste preference
Cytic 08:53 PM 03-08-2010
I have been smoking cigars for several months all the while reading the postings on this site. I am having trouble finding cigars that I like or something that is better than just ok. I obviously need to work on developing my palette in order to more fully enjoy the cigars that I smoke but that's a whole different topic.

I was hoping to get some suggestions of several cigars I can try from each flavor category from mild to full. I am hoping to be able to try cigars from the different categories in order to better tell the difference.

I am a college student so I am definitely not opposed to trying less expensive sticks. Also my favorite stick to date is the Original Cuban from CI.
OSV 09:05 PM 03-08-2010
"I obviously need to work on developing my palette in order to more fully enjoy the cigars that I smoke"
Lol no you don't, I dont think being able to describe ten million flavors in a cigar is gonna make you enjoy it more..
anyway ci. sells mild medium and full body samplers you could try..
if not you could work ur way up from these cigars..
Oliva O
Oliva O maduro
Oliva V Ligero
Joya De Nicaragua
LOL I think that covers mild to full body
lightning9191 09:19 PM 03-08-2010
What else have you tried and liked? What have you tried and didn't like?
akumushi 09:55 PM 03-08-2010
The Pepin Samplers at CI give you some excellent smokes of varying body to try at about $3 a stick. You also can't go wrong with the Padron #1000 series.
smokinjames 10:05 PM 03-08-2010
It really sounds like you are covering all the different regions, and if you are looking for some harder to find cigars, Padron, Opus, or illusion try, that guy hooks me up everytime.
Cytic 10:25 PM 03-08-2010
Originally Posted by lightning9191:
What else have you tried and liked? What have you tried and didn't like?
The ones I have liked off the top of my head are the Oliva Serie G, CAO America Constitution, and the Cuban Originals. I did not like an Onyx Reserve and the Perdoma Lot 23 I had was nothing special.
akumushi 10:33 PM 03-08-2010
Another thing I would recommend that you do is once you find a line you like, try different sizes within that brand. Smoke an occasional torpedo, lancero or petit corona in addition to the robustos and toros that you find in most samplers. When I first began, I went for a year or so smoking only toros and robustos because those were what was offered in most sales and samplers at CI, before I realized that my preferences actually run to the smaller, thinner smokes like coronas and lanceros. Trying brands that you know you like vertically will give you a feel for how the vitola (shape and size) of the cigar effects the taste/burn etc.
tx_tuff 03:20 AM 03-09-2010
Try the Oliva Serie O, its a little more full then the Serie G. I don't smoke to many mild to med cigars, most I smoke go from med to full. But you need to try any of the Illusione, my favorite is the 88. One of my other favorite smokes is the Padilla Miami in Robusto size, I love it. Some cheaper smokes (around $5) are the Esteban Carreras Habano, Brick House, Casa Fernandez Arsenio, and the CAO La Traviata.

All but the La Traviata are Nicaraguan Puros, thats just what I like.
Ferrari5180 06:16 AM 03-09-2010
I would suggest you split your list up like this:

El Baton
CAO L'Anniversaire Cameroon
Joya De Nicaragua Antago
El Rey Del Mundo Robusto Larga
Gran Habano #3

These are all relatively cheap smokes and have different tobaccos and taste associated with them. Let us know how everything works out for you.
Chingo 01:21 AM 03-10-2010
Originally Posted by smokinjames:
It really sounds like you are covering all the different regions, and if you are looking for some harder to find cigars, Padron, Opus, or illusion try, that guy hooks me up everytime.
Spammer? :-)

I'm in the same boat as the OP, I have a list of sticks people have recommended but a lot of them are always OOS or only sold by the box. Is there a sampler from CI or any other retailer anyone can recommend that covers a good range?
theonlybear4CORT 01:23 AM 03-10-2010
Gorilla finger or cremosa .
tx_tuff 01:25 AM 03-10-2010
Originally Posted by Chingo:
Spammer? :-)

I'm in the same boat as the OP, I have a list of sticks people have recommended but a lot of them are always OOS or only sold by the box. Is there a sampler from CI or any other retailer anyone can recommend that covers a good range?
Try You can buy singles or boxes, its not a warehouse but a true B&M with the largest humidor in Texas. Good prices and great people.
troutbreath 05:46 AM 03-10-2010
If you like the Serie G, which I believe had a Cameroon wrapper, you can take that template and expand into other blends. There are LOTS of cigars with Cammy wrappers, and all of them have their own profile, strength, fans. My personal fav with a Cammy wrapper is the AF Hemingway, and there are a host of sizes to fit your wallet and smoking preferences.

But, you can go to JR, CI, or your local B&M and look for brands that offer Cameroon, and you will be on your way. You can probably try one new stick a month, and then we can move on to a different wrapper.

The sampler idea is also great -- lots of variety. Have fun! Your pallete only needs to develop to what makes you happy.
Chingo 03:38 PM 03-10-2010
Originally Posted by tx_tuff:
Try You can buy singles or boxes, its not a warehouse but a true B&M with the largest humidor in Texas. Good prices and great people.
Thanks for that! I'll definitely give them a try. There's a ton of sticks I've been meaning to try before committing to a box...
Ferrari5180 04:10 PM 03-10-2010
Like mentioned before, I would definitely suggest the Oliva G. However, I do believe that the Maduro is a connecticut wrapper, and not a cameroon. Nevertheless, cameroon or connecticut, they are good and relatively cheap.
Adriftpanda 04:49 PM 03-10-2010
Originally Posted by sonic_mike:
Gorilla finger or cremosa .

Don't listen to him. I was once in college so I know how hard money could be. Some cheap but excellent sticks imo:

CAO La Traviata
Padrons (thousand series)
Tabacos Baez Series SF

That will give you some ideas. And I'm sure if you walk into a B&M, they will gladly help you out as well.
rizzle 10:24 AM 03-11-2010
Originally Posted by Cytic:
I have been smoking cigars for several months all the while reading the postings on this site. I am having trouble finding cigars that I like or something that is better than just ok. I obviously need to work on developing my palette in order to more fully enjoy the cigars that I smoke but that's a whole different topic.

I was hoping to get some suggestions of several cigars I can try from each flavor category from mild to full. I am hoping to be able to try cigars from the different categories in order to better tell the difference.

I am a college student so I am definitely not opposed to trying less expensive sticks. Also my favorite stick to date is the Original Cuban from CI.
Naw bro, you just need to find some cigars that make you go wow, and you will. I've got the palate of a tastebudless goat and ther are more cigars I love and enjoy than I have time to smoke. Just keep trying new ones.

If you're newer to smoking try a Rocky Patel Vintage 1990...that's the first one I ever had that made me say "damn, so that's what a good cigar is supposed to taste like".

Ranger_B 07:17 PM 03-11-2010
You might want to try the newbi sampler thread. here Just a thought but you get to trade with some of the members here who have a diverse rage of smokes at their disposal to help get a sampler together for you to help you on your way.
brigey57 08:15 PM 03-11-2010

It takes time to develop your taste for a type or flavor of cigar. During my first year I smoked approximately one to two cigars a week. Mostly Dominican cigars, typically very mild with a hint of flavors, but definitely nothing overpowering to my palette.

Then The mild cigars didn't entice my taste buds like they once did. I grew to looking for Nicaraguan or Honduran cigars. They had more flavor and yes are more full bodied, some would say stronger but I would argue that the full flavor has nothing to do with strength of the cigar. I've had some from the Dominican Republic that will set your boat afloat too.

I began to look for recommendations from BOTL who had a favorite or would suggest one cigar over another.

I would suggest you start a note pad or journal of your favorite smokes and what you were drinking at the time of the smoke. You will find that a cigar that is allowed to age a while will pick up subtle hints of flavor that a recently purchased cigar doesn't seem to have.

Experiment with certain beverages with a cigar you are familiar with and see which enhances the smoke versus overpower the smoke. Take notes and enjoy the ride. (_{_}___(((((()~~~~

Originally Posted by Cytic:
I have been smoking cigars for several months all the while reading the postings on this site. I am having trouble finding cigars that I like or something that is better than just ok. I obviously need to work on developing my palette in order to more fully enjoy the cigars that I smoke but that's a whole different topic.

I was hoping to get some suggestions of several cigars I can try from each flavor category from mild to full. I am hoping to be able to try cigars from the different categories in order to better tell the difference.

I am a college student so I am definitely not opposed to trying less expensive sticks. Also my favorite stick to date is the Original Cuban from CI.

Trouble 08:58 PM 03-11-2010
Just had a diesel Unholy Cocktail tonight and it was suprisingly good and only costs about $3 a stick.

Look at as they sell singles at box prices. Can set up a nice sampler for yourself