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Entertainment>Kanye West fat suit
bookman 09:31 AM 03-08-2010
I didn't see the film Music By Prudence, but I though Kanye West looked pretty damn good in that fat suit at last night's Oscars.
GreekGodX 11:14 AM 03-08-2010
OLS 01:08 PM 03-18-2010
Normally people put on fat suits to see if people hate them when they are fat.
What happens when a guy everybody hates puts on a fat suit?
T.G 01:38 PM 03-18-2010
Kanye West was the stage storming "I'mma let you finish BUT..." mic grabbing no-talent jerkoff right?
OLS 09:29 AM 03-19-2010
Haha, yes. But it really is SO much deeper than that. But you see the
top of the iceberg, so that's good enough.

And G.G., you want PICS. I think it heppened something like THIS:

OOps, in my rush to replace the girls hands with gang signs, I got the hands
on the wrong arms. But that's KANYE!!