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General Discussion>Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader Quiz?
Neuromancer 03:27 PM 03-01-2010
Okay, who's got the guts to try this one, and post the results? :-)

You are 100% Smarter than a fifth grader.
You are smarter than a fifth grader. no doubt. There is no need for you to retake school.
Keep on doing your brain excersise like sudokus and crossword puzzles, and you'll soon be smarter than a sixth grader! Good work!
are you smarter than a fifth grader?
Take More Quizzes
J0eybb 03:58 PM 03-01-2010
You are 100% Smarter than a fifth grader.
You are smarter than a fifth grader. no doubt. There is no need for you to retake school. Keep on doing your brain excersise like sudokus and crossword puzzles, and you'll soon be smarter than a sixth grader! Good work!
Quiz URL:
Neuromancer 04:06 PM 03-01-2010
And no googling the answers...:-)
SNKBYT 04:46 PM 03-01-2010
DOH..........only 70%
Rabidsquirrel 04:47 PM 03-01-2010
Got two wrong, and one I flip-flopped on one of them. 80%
icehog3 05:42 PM 03-01-2010
I may not be smarter, but I am 100% sure I could kick her ass. :-)
NCRadioMan 05:50 PM 03-01-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I may not be smarter, but I am 100% sure I could kick her ass. :-)
And in the end, isn't that all that matters? :-) :-)
icehog3 06:00 PM 03-01-2010
Originally Posted by NCRadioMan:
And in the end, isn't that all that matters? :-) :-)
F'kin' A right, Brother! :-)
kelmac07 06:42 PM 03-01-2010 said I need to re-take 1st grade. :-) :-)
kenstogie 07:03 PM 03-01-2010
If I can drink more than a 5th grader is that as good??
icehog3 07:05 PM 03-01-2010
Originally Posted by kenstogie:
If I can drink more than a 5th grader is that as good??
Works for me!

Dumb 10 year old girls always pass out after 6 shots of Jameson.
Neuromancer 07:55 PM 03-01-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
F'kin' A right, Brother! :-)
Ooouuu...he said a naughty word...ban him...:-)
G G 08:35 PM 03-01-2010
You are 70% Smarter than a fifth grader.

You are almost smarter than a fifth grader. If you just got a bit more right. Then, you would be considered smarter. Nice try. Try again.
Skywalker 08:43 PM 03-01-2010
You are 90% Smarter than a fifth grader.

You are smarter than a fifth grader. no doubt. There is no need for you to retake school. Keep on doing your brain excersise like sudokus and crossword puzzles, and you'll soon be smarter than a sixth grader! Good work!

I did better than I thought I would!
lostark374 09:58 PM 03-01-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Works for me!

Dumb 10 year old girls always pass out after 6 shots of Jameson.

Tom? are you giving out Dating tips again? JK
icehog3 10:00 PM 03-01-2010
Originally Posted by lostark374:
Tom? are you giving out Dating tips again? JK
Beats working for a livin', Aaron. :-)
SilverFox 10:21 PM 03-01-2010
You are 100% Smarter than a fifth grader.
You are smarter than a fifth grader. no doubt. There is no need for you to retake school.
Keep on doing your brain excersise like sudokus and crossword puzzles, and you'll soon be smarter than a sixth grader! Good work!

Hell not bad for a Canuck considering 2 of the questions where US politics specific and I have had about 6oz of hot rum to soothe this sore throat.

Maybe I should quit while I am ahead and stop posting.
Jbailey 10:31 PM 03-01-2010
90% here