skier171 10:52 AM 02-26-2010
Another photo I dont think was on the yahoo story
replicant_argent 11:03 AM 02-26-2010
The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it.
Female hockey players that still have all their teeth, are smoking cigars and swigging beer. My heart goes thump!
I have absolutely no issue with what they did....including the underage drinking.... Fact is, there are people who will ***** just to *****.... We are not talking about a juvenile....
Have a smoke and a sip of beer and enjoy every bit of the fruition of all your hard work.
The team celebrating beat the team I wanted to win and the photos still put a smile on my face....
The Poet 11:24 AM 02-26-2010
I personally don't care what they did, yet I can understand why the IOC has some problem with it all. Though this is definitely a tempest in a teapot, it did show a lack of good judgement by those girls. However, it is a fact that we all also lacked judgement at that age, and is also a fact that we actually LIKE girls who lack good judgement.
BTW, isn't marijuana legal in Vancouver? Hell, instead of stogies, they could have been swilling beer and toking doobies!
CheapHumidors 11:28 AM 02-26-2010
thebiglebowski 11:45 AM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by skier171:
Another photo I dont think was on the yahoo story
The Poet 12:58 PM 02-26-2010
JE3146 01:00 PM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by CigarNut:
It could have been a lot worse! These girls were having fun and enjoying themselves without putting down their competitors.
Why isn't the IOC looking into the Russian skater who lost the gold and kept putting down the american skater because he could not do "the quad"...
Such hypocrisy!
Bingo... publicly belittling the US skater on Russian news no less and claiming himself to be the winner of the "Platinum of Vancouver"
:-) as if there was such an award.
kelmac07 01:01 PM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by E.J.:
I have absolutely no issue with what they did....including the underage drinking.... Fact is, there are people who will ***** just to *****.... We are not talking about a juvenile....
Have a smoke and a sip of beer and enjoy every bit of the fruition of all your hard work.
The team celebrating beat the team I wanted to win and the photos still put a smile on my face....
:-) Couldn't have said it better myself EJ!!
skier171 01:37 PM 02-26-2010
The Postman 07:53 PM 02-26-2010
"It was blown way out of porportion, and we all need to just calm down."
That is a quote from one of the players, I could not have said it better myself.
marge796 08:10 PM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by Rob.:
Great picture!
Congratulations to the Canadian ladies hockey team.
bscottskangum 08:10 PM 02-26-2010
I dunno, I love the cigar pics and all...but there is just something about this one.....
Footbag 09:43 AM 02-27-2010
It's a pile of BS if you ask me. Let them celebrate. Their games are over and they won.
On a side note, it was just determined that the Chinese Gymnast that won all of those golds last summer games was underage. There was no outrage over that. Over a cheater. They prefer to criticize the legitimate winners for their celebration. IOC needs to shape up.
junkinduck 12:12 PM 02-27-2010
These are Canadian girls playing hocky. They won, they beat ther rival team who I was rooting for and they are basking tn there glory. I say have a beer enjoy a cigar, the game was over and I am sure that most of the rest of Canada was. And above all you can,t see it from my house so it is none of my business.
SmokinApe 12:57 PM 02-27-2010
Anyone making a big deal out of this is way too uptight... Some people just need to realize that people celebrate by drinking and smoking and they need to get over it...
I mean it's not like these girls showed bad judgment and smoked Taboo's...