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Island (The other ones) Reviews>question for my botls here
Legend 08:11 PM 10-29-2008
I have a number of reviews on CS that I would like to slowly bring over here. Would that be considered bad form? Tacky? To copy and paste them over a little at a time?
av8tor152d 08:12 PM 10-29-2008
If they are your reviews I don't see why it would be an issue.
mikeyj23 08:15 PM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by av8tor152d:
If they are your reviews I don't see why it would be an issue.

I and several others have already done this. It doesn't hurt to put a "reviewed X/XX/XX" on top for clarification.
Mugen910 08:50 PM 10-29-2008
just copy them over..they are yours to share with the cigar community..not just one forum.
zmancbr 04:20 PM 10-30-2008
I have heard it put on other posts here, that the posts and content on CS or other sites is the sole property of that board. However, if it is on your computer as a hard back up, then it is yours as well. So you can make a new post here from your computer.

This isn't meant to give legal advice, only to state what I have read on here...
Scottw 04:52 PM 10-30-2008
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
just copy them over..they are yours to share with the cigar community..not just one forum.
:-):-):-) I can't disagree with Bao.
TripleF 05:17 PM 10-30-2008
Now why in the world would you pass up an opportunity to smoke another cigar? :-)

Heck, if you've already reviewed it, why not smoke another and compare the reviews?
hoax 06:32 PM 10-30-2008
I wouldn't do it.

In the future I'll post my reviews on both boards.
massphatness 06:42 PM 10-30-2008
Originally Posted by zmancbr:
I have heard it put on other posts here, that the posts and content on CS or other sites is the sole property of that board. However, if it is on your computer as a hard back up, then it is yours as well. So you can make a new post here from your computer.

This isn't meant to give legal advice, only to state what I have read on here...

I think he's specifically refering to this post:

(search is your friend :-))
Legend 11:50 PM 10-30-2008

I think I'll do some old. Some new. Some borrowed. Some blue.
Tazziedevil 12:04 AM 10-31-2008
Originally Posted by TripleF:
Now why in the world would you pass up an opportunity to smoke another cigar? :-)

Heck, if you've already reviewed it, why not smoke another and compare the reviews?
:-) :-)