csbrewfisher 02:11 PM 02-16-2010
This study ranks the happiness of the 50 states. Do you believe it?
chippewastud79 02:49 PM 02-16-2010
Most of the bottom 10 make sense to me. It is ironic that all three states in the local Tri-state area near me are in the bottom 7 and I am not all that suprised.
Mugen910 02:51 PM 02-16-2010
IDk about this....I was pretty happy when I visited Ohio in Aug last year
elderboy02 02:54 PM 02-16-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
IDk about this....I was pretty happy when I visited Ohio in Aug last year :-)
Me too. Ohio rocks
chippewastud79 02:57 PM 02-16-2010
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
IDk about this....I was pretty happy when I visited Ohio in Aug last year :-)
Live in the state year round and you may change your mind. Not too many people in the Cincinnati area are very happy to live here right now.
elderboy02 03:01 PM 02-16-2010
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
Live in the state year round and you may change your mind. Not too many people in the Cincinnati area are very happy to live here right now. :-)
Don't listen to Adam, Bao. Adam lives in KY. Adam hates everything about Ohio (see his 578 posts on how Ohio has the worst drivers in the snow)
I think it would be cool to live in Montana.
pennjones 03:45 PM 02-16-2010
Gallup surveys are VERY accurate, so yes, I believe that those are the correct results that they got. The question is, how large was the population studied, how large were the areas that they studied, and so forth. I used to live in WV and plan on moving back soon, and I was unhappy there, or so I thought, until I moved away. And everyone that I knew in WV is happy there.
SmokeyJoe 03:51 PM 02-16-2010
This was what affected the results... depends on your definition of happiness I suppose.
Originally Posted by :
physical health, healthy behaviors (such as whether a person smokes or exercises)
I'm grew up in West Virginia... most folks are pretty happy-go-lucky and family oriented. The don't eat very healthy food... they tend to be overweight... and they enjoy smoking. If these three things count as "unhappy" in the poll - there is your answer.
chippewastud79 04:05 PM 02-16-2010
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Don't listen to Adam, Bao. Adam lives in KY. Adam hates everything about Ohio (see his 578 posts on how Ohio has the worst drivers in the snow)
I think it would be cool to live in Montana.
Not true. I like Skyline Chili, Jeff Ruby's Steak House and Montgomery Inn. But they do have the worst drivers in the snow considering it is a winter weather state.
elderboy02 08:14 PM 02-16-2010
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
Not true. I like Skyline Chili, Jeff Ruby's Steak House and Montgomery Inn. But they do have the worst drivers in the snow considering it is a winter weather state. :-)
You do agree that Skyline is better than Gold Star, right?
Florida is lower than I thought, prolly cause of all the yankees living here.
chippewastud79 08:22 PM 02-16-2010
Originally Posted by ggainey:
Florida is lower than I thought, prolly cause of all the yankees living here.:-)
Recent financial troubles probably aren't helping.
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
Recent financial troubles probably aren't helping. :-)
No it's definately the yankees.
CasaDooley 11:30 PM 02-16-2010
Hey, we're (WA) #15. No wonder I've been feelin so f*#king happy lately!
icehog3 11:40 PM 02-16-2010
Originally Posted by :
28. Illinois
35. Florida
I call "bullsh*t".
Christoff 12:10 AM 02-17-2010
Are you kidding me? Michigan took 33rd over Ohio, Florida, and Rhode Island. No way in hell. As a resident for over 23 years I can confidently describe Michigan's top four traits as: Unemployment, deer related automobile accidents, car thefts, and unemployment.
:-) Just what about that produces a happy attitude?