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All Cigar Discussion>Visiting Columbia, SC 02/15 through 02/24...
MarkinAZ 09:49 PM 02-11-2010
I'll be visiting beautiful Columbia, SC during the week of 02/15 through 02/24 for training with my company, and figured that I may be able to squeeze in a little time at night or during the weekend to visit a B&M or two (depending on the company's training schedule, etc.).

Question to those Inmates in the Columbia area is a recommendation for a good B&M that is well stocked cigar and pipe tobacco wise, friendly, and allows a person to smoke on premise.

I found a couple on the "cigarfriendly" web site which appear to look interesting:

The Tobacco Merchant
1220 Bower Parkway
Columbia, SC 29212

The Maduro Room
Hope Ferry Center
5175 Sunset Blvd, Suite 14
Lexington, SC 29072

I thank you and look forward to your comments...:-)

Riff Raff 05:56 AM 02-12-2010

There is a very cool B&M that I frequent in the Sand Hills just northeast of Columbia (it is still considered to be in Columbia). It is called Lite Um Up Cigars. The owner is Tom Burns, a retired Army Purple Heart winner and a great guy. I would be more than willing to meet you there for a nice smoke and a cold beer when you get into town!
eboniknight 10:23 AM 02-12-2010
Originally Posted by Riff Raff:

There is a very cool B&M that I frequent in the Sand Hills just northeast of Columbia (it is still considered to be in Columbia). It is called Lite Um Up Cigars. The owner is Tom Burns, a retired Army Purple Heart winner and a great guy. I would be more than willing to meet you there for a nice smoke and a cold beer when you get into town!
Visited Lite Um Up Cigars for the first time on my last visit to Columbia back in January. Two thumbs up!!! The atomsphere was great and the regulars were funny as hell.....and nice too! I never felt like a stranger. The owner, Tom, is fantastic. Besides having fun you will learn a lot too. :-)
NCRadioMan 10:35 AM 02-12-2010
The PSHC is friendly. :-)

This month, the herfs are on Thursdays.

As the guys tell me, the Merchant is the place to go. The Maduro Room is just a hop, skip and a jump from the W.H.A.T.
MarkinAZ 10:10 AM 02-13-2010
Originally Posted by Riff Raff:

There is a very cool B&M that I frequent in the Sand Hills just northeast of Columbia (it is still considered to be in Columbia). It is called Lite Um Up Cigars. The owner is Tom Burns, a retired Army Purple Heart winner and a great guy. I would be more than willing to meet you there for a nice smoke and a cold beer when you get into town!
I had seen this B&M and wasn't quite sure how far away from the hotel it was. Appears close, so PM a coming your way Bill...

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan:
The PSHC is friendly. :-)

This month, the herfs are on Thursdays.

As the guys tell me, the Merchant is the place to go. The Maduro Room is just a hop, skip and a jump from the W.H.A.T.
Thanks for the info Greg and I'll shoot Tw3nty a PM for info...

ir13 04:51 PM 02-13-2010
We have our weekly herf at Tw3nty's house on thursdays this month, but we are always a phone call away from herfing. The merchant has a great selection of beer and is stocked well with cigars and pipe tobacco.

PM'd ya my info, im up for a smoke most anytime.
MarkinAZ 10:12 PM 02-13-2010
Originally Posted by ir13:
We have our weekly herf at Tw3nty's house on thursdays this month, but we are always a phone call away from herfing. The merchant has a great selection of beer and is stocked well with cigars and pipe tobacco. PM'd ya my info, im up for a smoke most anytime.
Thanks Joey and got your PM...:-)

tedrodgerscpa 12:52 PM 02-15-2010

We love visitors.
whodeeni 01:02 PM 02-15-2010
U should also consider PM'ing SkinsfanLarry he pointed out a couple of
great B&M's to a guy on Botl.rog

Originally Posted by MarkinCA:
I'll be visiting beautiful Columbia, SC during the week of 02/15 through 02/24 for training with my company, and figured that I may be able to squeeze in a little time at night or during the weekend to visit a B&M or two (depending on the company's training schedule, etc.).

Question to those Inmates in the Columbia area is a recommendation for a good B&M that is well stocked cigar and pipe tobacco wise, friendly, and allows a person to smoke on premise.

I found a couple on the "cigarfriendly" web site which appear to look interesting:

The Tobacco Merchant
1220 Bower Parkway
Columbia, SC 29212

The Maduro Room
Hope Ferry Center
5175 Sunset Blvd, Suite 14
Lexington, SC 29072

I thank you and look forward to your comments...:-)

cre8v1 11:29 AM 02-16-2010
I'll be heading to the Tobacco Merchant tonight if anyone's interested in joining me! :-)
ir13 07:06 PM 02-17-2010
A couple of us are at the Tobacco Merchant on Bower Parkway watching some basketball and having a few beers and cigars if you're free.
MarkinAZ 04:07 PM 02-18-2010
Originally Posted by ir13:
A couple of us are at the Tobacco Merchant on Bower Parkway watching some basketball and having a few beers and cigars if you're free.
Thanks Joey. I've had this bug which I've been trying to get rid of and had to cancel out on the W.H.A.T. :-)
MarkinAZ 07:50 PM 02-21-2010
Feeling a *ell of alot better today, so I headed out to the Tobacco Merchant on Bowers this afternoon after they opened up at 1:30PM. Walked in and met Lucky. Very nice selection of cigars and pipe tobacco. Picked up a La Traviata robusto and a Perdomo Habano maddy, plus 2oz of their Merchants Choice pipe tobacco. Smoked a bowl of the Merchants Choice this evening and what an excellent smoke:-)
ir13 08:37 AM 02-22-2010
If you feel like having a cigar or two in the next couple days, give me a ring.
MarkinAZ 07:30 PM 02-22-2010
Originally Posted by ir13:
If you feel like having a cigar or two in the next couple days, give me a ring.
:-)Got a phone message out to you Joey for tomorrow at the Tobacco Merchant on Bowers if your available for a smoke...Somewhere' around 6:00 to 6:30PM?