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All Cigar Discussion>Why be a LURKER or GUEST?
ahc4353 02:30 PM 10-29-2008
Sign up it's free and membership has it's privileges such as access to more areas of the forum.

Please join us in making this a great place to learn and have fun with the common bond of the leaf.

All the best.
Fishbeadtwo 02:32 PM 10-29-2008
Yeah! cmon, don't be skeered.........
Skywalker 02:37 PM 10-29-2008
Every minute you waste lurking is a minute you could have enjoyed getting to know some really great people. People who will guide and encourage you in your love of cigars!!!

Join today!!!
gnukfu 03:00 PM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by Skywalker:
Every minute you waste lurking is a minute you could have enjoyed getting to know some really great people. People who will guide and encourage you in your love of cigars!!!

Join today!!!

Yeah really kewl guys like.......umm me for instance! :-)
Mystophales 03:12 PM 10-29-2008
I think this may be my fault...I haven't showered today and I had Chili for dinner last night (if you know what I mean). Things are bit aaahhhh ripe shall we say...sorry...:-)
Don Fernando 03:19 PM 10-29-2008
you scare those possible new inmates Al.
Skywalker 03:27 PM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by gnukfu:
Yeah really kewl guys like.......umm me for instance! :-)
Hey! That dancing smiley does look like George!!!

I would join just for that!!!

gnukfu 03:35 PM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by Skywalker:
Hey! That dancing smiley does look like George!!!

I would join just for that!!!
Same hair-do!!
shilala 03:48 PM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by gnukfu:
Same hair-do!!
Roffles. :-)
Da Klugs 03:52 PM 10-29-2008
I think I once posted sumting similar ... elsewhere then I looked at actually who it (guests) represented. Pretty much spiders, search engines etc.

Log off and then go to the forum homepage. Pretty boring stuff that is visible when you are not logged on.