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All Cigar Discussion>Cigars for troops
vikesfan32 01:23 AM 02-07-2010
I am a deployed soldier in Afghanistan. Is there anyone that would be willing to donate some cigars to me? I figure I would ask all you cigar lovers out there. They have cigar here but they are all dry and not fresh at all. Let me know if there is anyone please let me know. Thank you very much!!

Keven Lahde
APO AE 09354

SPC Keven Lahde
US Army:-)
bvilchez 01:30 AM 02-07-2010
Keven welcome to the Asylum.

Why don't you go to the New Inmate section and tell us a little about yourself.

Many here support troops. I myself am one. Just be a little more cautious of how you ask.

Hope it doesn't come across too harsh. Just sit back and enjoy the Looney Bin.
icehog3 01:36 AM 02-07-2010
How did you hear about us, Keven?

Thank you for your service.
vikesfan32 01:45 AM 02-07-2010
Your webite I found at work. I guess every Saturday night they had cigar night from 1930-2100. So I thought to sign up and join in. I am an avid cigar lover and enjoy one at least once a day.
icehog3 01:48 AM 02-07-2010
Welcome...I would follow bvilchez's advice and introduce yourself in the New Inmate Forum. Get to know some people here and I think you will find that we are very good at Troop Support here, but wary of some who seek benefits without being a part of our community. It would be great if you would join us and let us share in your experiences. I am sincere when I thank you for your service. :-)
vikesfan32 01:52 AM 02-07-2010
I cannot find where to post in the inmate. I see the link but no where to post.
icehog3 01:56 AM 02-07-2010
Originally Posted by vikesfan32:
I cannot find where to post in the inmate. I see the link but no where to post.
Use the "New Thread" button to start your own welcome thread here:
vikesfan32 02:06 AM 02-07-2010
Thank you very much!! I found it. :-)
md4958 07:19 AM 02-07-2010
Welcome Kevin, there is already a troop support program on CA that many are involved in. Contact rrplasencia, or macms for information on how to participate.