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Coffee Discussion>Press or Press??
JaKaacH 05:45 PM 01-31-2010
Looking to buy a small press to take to work.
I'm thinking of this one but have no experience with one.
Has anyone tried the Aerobie?


Should I just get a 12oz. French press.
I use a French press at home and really like it.
Mister Moo 07:00 PM 01-31-2010
An Aerobie, a great device, makes a brew different from (but close to) espresso or mokapot coffee. Add water to a cup of Aerobie-brewed coffee and it's pretty much like a smooth Americano. Add hot milk and it's a cafe-au-lait. Coffee is ready 30-seconds after the water boils; clean up is another 30-seconds.
JaKaacH 07:12 PM 01-31-2010
Extraction is fast. I guess thats what makes a smooth (less bitter) brew. Does the fast extraction and smooth taste mean less caffeine?
Mpython24 06:22 AM 02-26-2010
I would just roll with the French Press. It will give you everything from the bean. I always have liked the coffee that I made through the press.
ashtonlady 08:31 AM 02-26-2010
I have both, and for work the aero press would be great. Clean up is much faster and storage is smaller.
Neuromancer 12:45 PM 02-26-2010
Hmmm...Aeropress...great idea...anyone know what those cost?
T.G 01:11 PM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by Neuromancer:
Hmmm...Aeropress...great idea...anyone know what those cost?
About $25. Add another $5 give or take a buck or two for 350 filters.

-------addendum below
$27.95 on amazon for Aeropress and 350 filters, includes free shipping
Neuromancer 01:29 PM 02-26-2010
Originally Posted by T.G:
About $25. Add another $5 give or take a buck or two for 350 filters.

-------addendum below
$27.95 on amazon for Aeropress and 350 filters, includes free shipping
JaKaacH 10:00 PM 04-05-2010
I ended up getting a small French press that I've been using at work for the past few weeks....BUT....Like cigars and pipes, I couldn't resist trying the Aeropress.
The French press might be getting laid off...:-)
That Aeropress makes a great cup of coffee...:-)
Tazziedevil 10:46 PM 04-06-2010
I always preferred my French press, but you can't go wrong either way really.
Posted via Mobile Device
purosdave 10:35 AM 04-07-2010
I like both, but if I had to chose only one it would be the Aero as it is much more versatile. When I get home from work the first thing I do is make a cup of Cafe Cubano in the Aeropress for myself and a white chocolate mocha for the wife. Its not an espresso machine, but it makes damn good (and strong) coffee fast.