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Island (The other ones) Reviews>Corona Cigar Company Gold Series Gorda Uncut Sungrown Cigar Review Vid
kaelaria 10:28 PM 01-28-2010

This 7×52 shaggy foot stick offers a dark brown wrapper with a bit of oil, a satin finish and a very aromatic wrapper of sandalwood. The first two thirds were very mild with a light, airy smoke and flavors of light earth and a touch of cream. For a short time around the 1/2 way point a dry aged tobacco flavor joined in and faded by the end of the 2nd third. The last third woke up a bit giving a solid medium body with much richer flavor, twice the smoke output and showing a very smooth creamy light leather and a long earth finish. Draw was prefect and the burn was as well, all the way down, holding the ash about 3/4″. Total burn time was 1:-)5. Video on the site.
issues 12:56 PM 01-29-2010
Excellent review as always Bryan and an interesting cigar.

I have been looking for a more light+ or medium- cigar since most of my stock pretty much ranges from medium+ to full+.

May have to give this one a shot whenever I finish paying back this last month of credit card purchases. :-)