I figured I should let you all know about a great deal on a table top torch that I just picked up.
Harbor Freight has them on sale right now for $6.99 (in the stores), my only issue is that they are orange but they do work very nicely so far. original price is $9.99 which is still a steal IMO
PS. I am not affiliated with them in any way, just passing along a good deal
Namerifrats 11:03 PM 01-27-2010
Good info! I've been looking at those Ronson Tech Torches at Wal-Mart. Bout $27 though. This may be better. I live 5 minutes from a Harbor Freight.
forgot to add the sale tag said the price is valid through 2/2/10
leasingthisspace 12:11 AM 01-28-2010
That is awesome. I love the color. I need to look into this.
Posted via Mobile Device
NCRadioMan 12:32 AM 01-28-2010
FWIW, I've had several and neither lasted more than 6 months. Hope your lasts longer.
whodeeni 12:41 AM 01-28-2010
paris1129 06:14 AM 01-28-2010
Nice deal. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us!
Originally Posted by NCRadioMan:
FWIW, I've had several and neither lasted more than 6 months. Hope your lasts longer.
me too
junkinduck 05:25 PM 01-30-2010
Never had the HF but had a burnsomatic that looked just like it. The rubber gasket on the fill valve went bad and I can't find one that I trust to replace it. for 6.99 how can you go wrong. That is a little better than a buck a month.
captain53 05:28 PM 01-30-2010
I have one at the camphouse, works good except the fuel adjustment valve is touchy I guess you could say. No problems with it lighting or anything just hard to adjust flame on the low side. Well worth the $6.99!
If you want a premium one Solder-it brand is top of the line.
Originally Posted by captain53:
I have one at the camphouse, works good except the fuel adjustment valve is touchy I guess you could say. No problems with it lighting or anything just hard to adjust flame on the low side. Well worth the $6.99!
If you want a premium one Solder-it brand is top of the line.
yeah I am noticing that the low flame adjustments are quite touchy but again for $6.99 I am still happy
Namerifrats 02:54 AM 02-02-2010
Bought mine this evening. Filled it and it works fine. Have to wait til it warms up a bit to try it on a cigar.