WaxingMoon 01:52 PM 01-24-2010
I finished this humidor up this morning. She's the sister of one that I built earlier. She is constructed out of the extinct wood, Wormy American Chestnut and Wenge.
This one is 15-1/2" x 11-1/2" x 7"
Count: 178
This baby is still homeless.
captain53 01:57 PM 01-24-2010
Emjaysmash 01:59 PM 01-24-2010
Wow! absolutely beautiful!!
How much does one of your humidors cost, if I may ask?
marge796 02:02 PM 01-24-2010
sikk50 03:28 PM 01-24-2010
Originally Posted by captain53:
Beautiful Piece of Work!:-)
s15driftking 06:57 PM 01-24-2010
my fav. by far that you have made!
WyGuy 08:23 PM 01-24-2010
Looks awesome, and go VIKINGS!!
RazzBarlow 07:58 AM 01-25-2010
Since Ed never got around to answering the question. I'll help him out. His humidors start at $200 and up, depending on wood selection and options.
WaxingMoon 08:28 AM 01-25-2010
Originally Posted by RazzBarlow:
Since Ed never got around to answering the question. I'll help him out. His humidors start at $200 and up, depending on wood selection and options.
Thanks Razz.... I missed the question... sorry 'bout that....
elderboy02 08:30 AM 01-25-2010
RazzBarlow 08:58 AM 01-25-2010
Happy to help. I love my Waxing Moon humi!