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General Discussion>New toy for my Bass Guitar
sgresso 06:27 PM 01-22-2010
I just got a 1/4 to usb guitar cord so I can record and mix on the computer. I can't wait to start the music project I have had in my head for years!

This is going to Rock!:-)
theonlybear4CORT 06:32 PM 01-22-2010
Congratulations bro,post up a link when your done with your project.
sgresso 06:36 PM 01-22-2010
Will do I got one track almost done except for vocals. I can't sing but can write and mix music that's why I play bass and drums!
G G 09:25 PM 01-22-2010
dccraft 12:01 PM 01-25-2010
Do you need to have active pickups for this or can you use the old style passive? I ask because I play a '75 Fender Jazz with the stock single coil passive pickups.
sgresso 12:57 PM 01-25-2010
I have passive pickups on my 2008 Fender Jazz bass and my 1980 Pievy T-40.
So you do not need active pickups for this to work which rocks. I think you can get a better jazz style tone and more room to EQ it with the free recording programs or any effects petals or amp setups you have.