CoroHo 02:47 PM 10-28-2008
zmancbr 03:51 PM 10-28-2008
Does it count if I was born there, but my parents move back to Colorado before I was a year?
kayak_rat 04:11 PM 10-28-2008
They are obviously waiting for the party line to clear.
CoroHo 04:11 PM 10-28-2008
Originally Posted by zmancbr:
Does it count if I was born there, but my parents move back to Colorado before I was a year? :-)
Only if you can't make it down for the occasional herf!
taltos 04:50 PM 10-28-2008
Originally Posted by kayak_rat:
They are obviously waiting for the party line to clear.
Long line at the out house.
zmancbr 05:15 PM 10-28-2008
Originally Posted by CoroHo:
Only if you can't make it down for the occasional herf! :-)
Now that could be arranged sometime... I should be in Tulsa for a business trip around Feb-Mar sometime... what area do you guys usually herf at?
kayak_rat 05:16 PM 10-28-2008
BTW.....I am your neighbor to the East. If you ever gt in the Fay/Rogers/Bent area, give us a pm.
dubs chops 09:47 PM 01-25-2010