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Entertainment>The Cleveland Show (Love Rollercoaster ep.)
muhren 07:56 AM 01-15-2010
Just watched this one on the DVR (also available on Hulu I think!)

Hilarious not so veiled reference to being 'Balls Deep' in love.

Anyone else watch this show? I catch it when I can...pretty funny stuff if you like potty humor (like I do)

chachee52 08:11 AM 01-15-2010
Saw that on Sunday!! This is one spin off show that is actually worth watching!!! My fiance's cousin's kid is like 2or3, I swear he is the little kid on that show!! He sounds/looks/and acts just like him, it's histerical and scary at the same time.
Starscream 07:07 PM 01-16-2010
I'm a big Family Guy fan, but I can't get into this show. I did like the last episode, but the first few haven't been worthwhile IMHO.
Kreth 08:01 PM 01-16-2010
I'm kinda torn on the new series. Cleveland was one of my favorite characters on Family Guy, but some of the characters on the new show (Jr. and the baby especially) are basically the same character with a new color palette.
Posted via Mobile Device
Starscream 08:07 PM 01-16-2010
What happened to Cleveland Jr. by the way. He was this little fast ADD child on Family Guy, then he became this slow, fat kid on the Cleveland Show. Or did he change on Family Guy and I just missed it?
Starscream 05:54 PM 04-19-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
What happened to Cleveland Jr. by the way. He was this little fast ADD child on Family Guy, then he became this slow, fat kid on the Cleveland Show. Or did he change on Family Guy and I just missed it?
Bump to see if anyone can answer my above post. I'm still curious about Cleveland Jr.'s change from little spaz kid to slow fat kid.
LasciviousXXX 05:57 PM 04-19-2010
It was never explained in any family guy episodes. I was wondering the same thing myself. Being a huge family guy fan (I've seen every episode at least 5 times) I just can't get into this show :-)
Starscream 07:11 PM 04-19-2010
Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX:
It was never explained in any family guy episodes. I was wondering the same thing myself. Being a huge family guy fan (I've seen every episode at least 5 times) I just can't get into this show :-)
Maybe it was a thyroid problem.
cle_smoker 08:38 PM 04-19-2010
I went back and forth on it for a while until I watched the episode "The Curious Case of Jr. Working at the Stool." I laughed my ass off during this episode. It takes a while to grow on you, but I loved it now.
OLS 08:30 AM 04-20-2010
IT DOES take some growing on you, and I am slowly finding it worthwhile, the same as American Dad.
That F'ing alien Roger gets on my last nerve. But the premise of the show, and the totally Seth
way the character is written is hilarious. He is so blindly patriotic that the dialogue options are