Blueface 09:37 AM 01-07-2010
CasaDooley 12:26 PM 01-07-2010
SNKBYT 12:33 PM 01-07-2010
marge796 12:38 PM 01-07-2010
I like guns too but I can't sing worth a damn.
68TriShield 12:39 PM 01-07-2010
Vigiles 12:42 PM 01-07-2010
Blueface 12:46 PM 01-07-2010
Steve Lee is actually an Aussie.
They like guns also!
I absolutely love this line:
Cause I don’t really get all the fuss, why they trying to take the guns off of us, cause I ain't going to shoot anyone and no one shoots me cause I got a gun.
Also, love his Green "piece" shirt.
Ashcan Bill 03:44 PM 01-07-2010
quantim0 07:43 AM 01-08-2010
It's too bad our Aussie friends have basically been neutered when it comes to guns and most other PC crap.
If they had gun laws like ours, I'd seriously consider moving there. But 90% of my guns are illegal there.
elderboy02 08:10 AM 01-08-2010
The song sucks, but I love the video and the guns in it. Man, that video cost a lot to make with all the ammo he went through
dogface_313 10:05 AM 01-08-2010
Blueface 10:43 AM 01-08-2010
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
The song sucks
I like country music. After listening to this song a few times, can't get the darn thing out of my head.
elderboy02 10:43 AM 01-08-2010
Originally Posted by Blueface:
I like country music. After listening to this song a few times, can't get the darn thing out of my head.
I listen to country music daily, and I still think the song sucks
gunbuyer76 10:48 AM 01-08-2010
elderboy02 11:00 AM 01-08-2010
I love that video!