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General Discussion>News of the weird
markem 08:10 PM 01-06-2010
Nothing cigar related, except the obvious jokes :-)

Originally Posted by :
ASHLAND, Ore. (AP) – The City of Ashland, long known for its artsy image, has changed its nudity laws. On Tuesday night, the Ashland City Council adopted a citywide ban on public nudity.

The city had already banned the display of genitals in parks and in downtown.
No word on if/how they defined "nudity". Apparently, wearing only a g-string is now banned, but no word on where the (tan) line is drawn (that I've seen).

The Shakespeare Festival will never be the same, I say. :-)
md4958 08:13 PM 01-06-2010
yet another reason I will never visit Ashland, Oregon :-)
Rabidsquirrel 08:25 PM 01-06-2010
So the public display of genitals was bad enough that they had to pass a law?

T.G 08:38 PM 01-06-2010
Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel:
So the public display of genitals was bad enough that they had to pass a law?

I seem to recall that in the past there have been more than a few news stories about people (one woman in particular) who would go about all their businuess in certain Oregon towns, not sure if Ashland was one of them or not, sans clothes.
MedicCook 08:42 PM 01-06-2010
It amazes me how afraid people are of skin. The good thing about a nakid person is that they have less chance of robbing you. It is much more difficult carrying a concealed weapon when you are nude.
CBI_2 08:45 PM 01-06-2010
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
It amazes me how afraid people are of skin. The good thing about a nakid person is that they have less chance of robbing you. It is much more difficult carrying a concealed weapon when you are nude.