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General Discussion>Special Thanks to Sailchaser
White97Jimmy 02:27 PM 12-31-2009
Thanks Chris, for doing some plumbing in my new house. (He made a house call within 30 min of hanging up the phone.)

I think you gained another customer (friend's dad) who was impressed by your work too. I'll have to have have a herf in my big-ass garage as soon as I get situated in the house! :-)

Thanks again!
KidRock 02:30 PM 12-31-2009
Hi James! Hope all is well! Chris is an awesome guy!
68TriShield 02:52 PM 12-31-2009
Excellent :-)
G G 03:06 PM 12-31-2009
Old Sailor 12:38 PM 01-01-2010
CBI_2 01:40 PM 01-01-2010
Originally Posted by KidRock:
Chris is an awesome guy!
hotreds 01:51 PM 01-01-2010
Well done!
Sailchaser 02:18 PM 01-01-2010
Anytime James, Thanks for the Mini tour very nice. Look forward to having a smoke in that Gigantic Herf Garage:-)