For my Christmas Eve I am currently enjoying a Bowl of Maltese Falcon English tobacco, And for Drink...
Xia Guan Bao Yan Jin- 03' Raw Mushroom Pu-erh.
The flavors pretty much feed off each other... Rustic Pu-erh Tea, and a rich English Blend.. WOW... Great stuff...
Any one else enjoy Pu-erh? Later on I will post some information for those who have no clue what it is.

Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Originally Posted by Guitarman-S.T-:
For my Christmas Eve I am currently enjoying a Bowl of Maltese Falcon English tobacco, And for Drink...
Xia Guan Bao Yan Jin- 03' Raw Mushroom Pu-erh.
The flavors pretty much feed off each other... Rustic Pu-erh Tea, and a rich English Blend.. WOW... Great stuff...
Any one else enjoy Pu-erh? Later on I will post some information for those who have no clue what it is.
Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Yep...wonderful combination. Raw is the only way to go with Pu-erhs IMO. Cooking for me pushes the tea to a point that it's an attempt to make younger Pu-erhs more palatable. Instead, I prefer an aged raw Pu-erh. But, you nailed it. Many cigar smokers are really missing out on a terrific complement to their favorite smokes. It's well worth the try. My fear is that many will/have tried young/cooked Pu-erhs and were turned off. I hope they get a sampler of some nicely aged raw PE. I think it could change their mind.
Indeed! glad to know we have another Pu-erh Fan here. My budget has been low these days so I will have to burn thew my current stash before I can even think of placing a new order. For me- Pu-erh, FRESH Chinese greens, and some Oolong from time to time.. Thats all I need