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General Discussion>News Report: Beat With A Stupid Stick
RGD. 11:28 AM 12-23-2009
Stupid Mom

There is such a thing as discipline and then there is just being stupid. I mean someone hit her with a stupid stick or what.

It's a 6 year old girl. And to top it off she calls about a reward.

My daughter when she was about 5 or 6 had a candy bar in her hand once when shopping with me when we got in my truck. We went back in - with tears in her eyes she told the lady she was sorry and we paid for it. Lesson learned. Calling the police was the furthermost thing from my mind.

Just don't understand some days . . .

chippewastud79 11:40 AM 12-23-2009
Ofcourse this was in Ohio. :-) Seems common sense escapes people sometimes. :-)
ActionAndy 11:48 AM 12-23-2009
"Lyons, 31, asked about collecting a $30 reward for turning in shoplifters but decided not to follow up because she felt bad about doing it."

LOL what a scumbag. I would love to slap this woman across the face.
Commander Quan 01:13 PM 12-23-2009
So the police come arrest a 10 year old who steals stickers from the drug store, but they'll never arrest my drug dealing neighbor, or any of the 6 or so other people that live in his house when someone calls the cops because it's 2 in the morning and they are drunk and in the street screaming that they are going to kill each other. :-)
smokin5 01:22 PM 12-23-2009
Maybe you should tell the cops that your neighbors shoplifted?:-)
Footbag 01:46 PM 12-23-2009
Originally Posted by ActionAndy:
"Lyons, 31, asked about collecting a $30 reward for turning in shoplifters but decided not to follow up because she felt bad about doing it."
There is a reason she simply didn't march her daughter back into the store. Parenting FAIL!
chachee52 06:42 PM 12-23-2009
I love that fact that she "didn't take the money because people thought that she set the kid up to get the money". UMMMMMMM YA THINK?
My question is, if her house just happened to get broken into at that time I bet she would be the one complaining that hte cops weren't doing their job right. Even though She was the one keeping the cops from doing their real job!!!!
tobii3 06:53 PM 12-23-2009

That the best you can do??

Mom calls 911 to make her kid stop playing Grand Theft Auto