Heading down to Lakeland FL tomorrow to spend Christmas with the wife's family. I get down there 4-5 times a year. Usually try to take one day and head over to Tampa and Ybor City. Plan to do the same this trip. Might be the weekend or early next week when I get over there though. See if I can't pick up another Opus or two and maybe a couple Anejos I keep hearing so much about.
Another place I like to go by is La Herencia de Cuba.
Right on the main drag in Ybor, and not related to the brand LHdC that I know of. They roll all their cigars in house. I've tried a few and really enjoy the Shorty red label. If you ever get down there, stop in. Pretty decent smokes.
Haven't been to Ybor yet, but found some Anejos at the Tinderbox here in Lakeland. Had some Opus as well, but priced a bit higher than I paid in Ybor a year ago. Planning on heading to Ybor probably Monday.