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Jokes>Confucious says...
Silound 08:04 PM 12-22-2009
Man who drive well in fairway not always fare well in the driveway.
tobii3 08:09 PM 12-22-2009
Baseball all with four balls cannot walk.
Montano 05:52 PM 12-25-2009
Man who masturbates at cash register, always comes into money.
Mugen910 06:07 PM 12-25-2009
Man who goes to sleep with itchy but wakes up with stinky finger.
Posted via Mobile Device
MikeyC 08:59 AM 12-26-2009
Man who sit on jelly donut get a$$ in jam.
kzm007 09:34 AM 12-26-2009
man who fart in church sit in his own pew.
secretsquirrel 09:40 AM 12-26-2009
man who screw girl in berry patch get a$$ in jam

man who run in front of car is sure to get tired
man who runs behind car get exhausted

Good for boy to meet girl in park
better for boy to park meat in girl