strider 02:43 PM 12-22-2009
I wasn't gonna post a review for this one, but I quite liked it so decided too. Sorry about too many images. I didn't realize there was a 5 limit. I will keep it to that from now on.
Location: The Car
Time: 1ish
Drink: Water
Construction: The wrapper is a bit loose in areas and there are 3 very prominent vertical veins.
Pre-light: Strong hay flavor. One of the first times I've taken a prelight draw and gone... wow that's hay!
strider 02:44 PM 12-22-2009
1/3: Started out mild but nice. Some flavors of hay, slight sweetness and hints of orange. I will admit I would not have been able to
name the orange if I hadn't bought it for those flavors I read in reviews. But knowing what I was looking for was able to put a name
to the flavor. Very nice. But burn started out wacky but I gave it time and it self corrected.
2/3: Flavors started to build up. I was only getting hay at the very late finish (which is how it was through the remainder of the
smoke, but a very rich sweet cream came on strong. Great mouth feel with a chewy delicious sweet cream. Really Very nice. The orange
was still there underneath but harder to detect with the stronger flavors. Burn wobbly but self correcting.
strider 02:45 PM 12-22-2009
3/3: In this area the sweet cream changed into a darker flavor. I found it a bit hard to nail it down. At times it seemed like a mild
sweet coffee, at other times a mild sweet nut. Orange still present but much harder to taste over the heavier flavors. Very nice
again. Unfortunately at this point the burn got wacky. Started to canoe pretty badly and required 2 corrections as it was evident this
time it wasn't gonna fix itself.
Also at this point the smoke mysteriously self extinquished
I was liking it enough to relight.
Verdict: A very nice smoke. I'd almost call this a very rich flavorful mild body, but in honesty it's probably fairer to call it a smooth medium.
Ya, I liked the smoke
Adriftpanda 02:57 PM 12-22-2009
Damn now that is a nub, lol.
roughrider 03:54 PM 12-22-2009
Emjaysmash 03:57 PM 12-22-2009
Great Review! I loved the ones I smoked. I need to try to find some more....