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General Discussion>First NE (Florida) COld Snap
Steve 02:59 PM 12-20-2009
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. After weeks of ranging between 75* and 85*, last night it plummeted to the mid to low 40's, possibly the upper 30s. We got our first real dusting of the season, guess I'll have to go blow off the deck and chairs in a bit to have a cigar. Winter must be here...:-)


Seriously, to all my B/SOTL up north, take care in all of that white stuff!

Blueface 03:11 PM 12-20-2009
Boy do I know what you mean.
Take a look at what I had to do.
G G 03:30 PM 12-20-2009
Sposed to actually freeze the next couple nights.
Mugen910 03:32 PM 12-20-2009
dang there goes the prices of oranges :-)