This is a post of what I put in the Bombs section ... But it needs to be here
Thank You my Brothers ....
This is a very long winded way for me to say Thank You! ..
But every word in this post is very important to me, So I need to say them all …
I haven’t been around here much as of late, I’ve been reading and lurking but not talking much.
Things have been tough lately, My wife lost her job a while back, And I’ve had some old medical problems rear their ugly head that have caused me not to be able to work either.
Not long ago I got news that my fathers youngest brother (He’s 84) was dieing,
My father died just before I turned 17, And this Man, My Uncle was the one who was there for me.
He was instrumental in my Joining the Marine Corps, He helped me become a Man.
He and my father were both survivors of World War 2 , My Father survived Normandy and the years of fighting that followed, My uncle fought his way through the South Pacific.
Those experiences made them both strong honorable Men.
Back in 1995 while working on a grazing section north of Seligman I made a near fatal mistake,
I got between a bunch of ornery half wild steers and a fence line in a stupid attempt to turn them.
They spooked and decided they were going to go through that fence, And they took me with them.
The result was that I was dragged through I don’t know how much fence brush and boulders.
I should have died right there, I was air lifted to Las Vegas where it was determined that I’d suffered a broken neck, a fractured skull, two fractured disc’s in my lower spine and damage to my brain stem.
They weren’t sure I was gonna live long
Over the years I overcame being a vegetable and being told you’ll never do this or that again to by 2000 being back in the saddle again.
During this time my uncle came and spent many days with me reminding who I was and what I been through .
A couple of weeks ago I made a dash down to Tucson for one last visit with my uncle.
We talked about many, Many things … He talked to about “Karma” as well.
I’ve spent most of my life Hard ridin’ hard fightin’ and Hard drinkin … And I’ve been through a few wives because of this … The Woman who is my wife now says I have the emotions of a Brick …
But she understands why, She loves me because of it … And she’ll be by my side forever.
I don’t ride as hard as I used to … I don’t fight like I used to … I do drink more whiskey than I do water,
When I came home from Tucson I knew what I had to do …. I have this coolerdor, It’s always been where I stock stuff for bombing others … sending stuff to the troops … I thought well, in this tough time I always had that stuff I could smoke … Nope … I started emptying it out … preparing bombs , Boxes for the troops …. Karma stuff , I go out today to send the first couple of “Karma Bombs” and the post office brings these to me.From Papajohn67
From Hotreds
From Longknocker
My Father and my uncle were among those who are my hero’s … but there are also other hero’s to be found in my life ….
There are others here who are my Hero’s …
People like Nick “Ragin Cajun”, 1st Sgt Mony “Pathfinder7”, “Mugen 910” “Wavescrashing” and a host of others because they now charge the gates of Hell in my name and in my place.
People like “RGD” cause he was the first person to Bomb me back in 06’
Dave “68Trishield” “pnoon” and the “Team of 11” who gave us this place.
Al “ahc4353” … Steve “Shvictor” “Hotreds” “Shemp” who have become friends and provided support for me and mant others.
Papajohn67 is a hero in my life …He doesn’t like it when I say this, He usually gives me hell over this kind of Sh%t …. but that’s ok …I know why.
Those who taught me “The more thy bleedeth in training, the less thy bleedeth in combat” saved my hide more than once … So just deal with it John.
I am on the mend again my friends … I’m getting back to work, the lodge my wife worked at is reopening and asked her to come back ….. It’s all going to be ok.
You’ll all get yours in a short time …. Karma??? ….Let me tell tell you it’s real.
Thank you my Brothers …. Thank you.
I was down, But I’m not out …. Pay backs are a ***** my friends.
I once had the privilege of meeting and training with “Dynamo Dickie” (Do you know who he is ?)
As I mend ….I shall repay ten times over …..
Semper Fi