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General Discussion>Favorable Exchange Rate
md4958 11:15 AM 12-18-2009
I have some Euros that I would like to convert to USD (7500E). All the banks in this area are giving me rates that basically lose me $700 vs the rate.

Can anybody suggest a way to get a better rate? I would be willing to travel to NYC or Boston if it saves me $200 or $300.
Mugen910 11:17 AM 12-18-2009
I say hold onto it..and when I go to Europe next time I'll buy them off ya :-)
md4958 11:21 AM 12-18-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
I say hold onto it..and when I go to Europe next time I'll buy them off ya :-)
Big Baoller!!!
Don Fernando 02:18 PM 12-18-2009
I would hold on to them, hoping the exchange rate would change a bit Moe (although I love the current exchange rate, buying cigars in the US is cheap for me now)