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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Good edgestar deal
s15driftking 12:18 PM 12-10-2009

I think it's only for a day though.
htran1023 10:31 AM 12-15-2009
Got an e-mail this morning from CompactAppliace.

TWR282S is $170 with free shipping using the code TWR179 (case sensitive). there looks to be a free vacuum pump wine preserver thats added into the cart as well.
CigarNut 08:17 PM 12-15-2009
Costco has the Vinotemp 34-TS 34 bottle cooler ( on sale for $199 -- in store only.

I don't believe that this model is thermoelectric, but seems to be a great deal.
ChasDen 09:50 PM 12-15-2009
Here is the deal from the email:


( LINK )
