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All Cigar Discussion>Just something to think about
Pat1075 03:13 PM 12-03-2009
First off I want to thank Proudbear for bringing up the page. where we can voice our opinions about the regulation of tobacco in this country. Now I rarely start threads around here, maybe I should do it more often. But I was just proud about what I wrote and thought I would share it with you guys here.

Tobacco is an important part of this economy. Many jobs depend on it not just here in the US but worldwide. If we claim to be a concientious world citizen then we will cease this over taxation and near prohibition of smokers as we are hurting farmers here, Africa, South and Central America.
May I also add that the tax money you as a government collect goes to fund your projects, with every increase in tax you lose consumers we aren't just talking about cigarettes here we must remember cigars and pipe tobacco, people who truly smoke with enjoyment and not vice. When their last affordable luxury is taken away (flavored cigars or pipe tobacco) or taxed out of reach they walk away. Then there is a very real cause and effect relationship for you the government. You lose money. Not just in tobacco tax. But when enough of these people cannot smoke their stores close and then you lose income tax from the people who worked there. Then you must pay these people unemployment for they no longer have jobs. This is further reaching the tobacco blender in misourri who makes pipe tobacco is no longer employed and the cigar roller in Honduras loses his job. Closer to home we can look at Tampa. The SCHIP taxes killed a thriving economy held together by cigars.

I am not a rich man. I am not a poor man. I have no vices, I do not drink. I am just a man who enjoys a cigar. A cigar is a way of coming together with friends at the end of the day or just relaxing. I would hate to see this country ban tobacco or make the sale of it any more difficult. I don't want it to be like I've heard Canada has become. Please remember we built this country on this leaf. Tobacco has given to us and now its time for us to give to it.
G G 03:32 PM 12-03-2009
Preach on brother.
Doctorossi 03:54 PM 12-03-2009
:-) :-)