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All Cigar Discussion>Is it harder....
Isom-niac2 11:18 PM 11-25-2009
To make a selection of which smokes to bring on a road trip than which clothes to bring?? :-)
CasaDooley 11:40 PM 11-25-2009
Why yes, yes it is.:-)
Picking clothes=10 minutes
Picking cigars=10 days
RightAJ 12:04 AM 11-26-2009
Some people overpack clothes, shoes, or makeup... I overpack cigars:-)

MedicCook 12:06 AM 11-26-2009
That is why you take all your cigars with you. You can always buy some new clothes when you get to where you are going.
Emjaysmash 12:25 AM 11-26-2009
Originally Posted by CasaDooley:
Why yes, yes it is.:-)
Picking clothes=10 minutes
Picking cigars=10 days
packed my clothe for thanksgiving break last night.
packed my travel humi for thanksgiving break 3 days ago
Steve 12:38 AM 11-26-2009
leasingthisspace 12:50 AM 11-26-2009
Heck it is so bad I am going for less then 2 weeks in dec. and I have been making my list of what is going in my 15 ct. for the last month. It is very hard to cut out something so I have enough room.
Namerifrats 01:10 AM 11-26-2009
Originally Posted by RightAJ:
Some people overpack clothes, shoes, or makeup... I overpack cigars:-)

Same here! Going tomorrow (well today) to visit my parents for Thanksgiving. They only live an hour away, I got my dad started smoking Cigars about a year ago. I'll only be there for 6-7 hours, but always take at least 25 Cigars with me. Might only smoke 1 or 2 though. I always take way more than I should though.
Bubba - NJ 09:57 AM 11-26-2009
Most definitely :-)
Bax 10:35 AM 11-26-2009
Nope grab a handful and hit the road!
Rabidsquirrel 10:59 AM 11-26-2009
I always pack my 15ct caddy full, no matter if it's only a few hours to a few days.