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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Purifan Air Filter, anyone tried one?
Joseywales 03:27 PM 11-23-2009
I'm talking about the ceiling fan type, or even a stand alone, which looks like floor lamp and might be easier install for this particular room.

My room is 400 square feet, with 8' ceiling.
jaymz 09:34 PM 01-07-2010
Bump - saw these today, anyone use one?
Parshooter 08:57 AM 01-08-2010
I recently did research on filters/smoke eaters before buying one myself. The Purifan might work for the occasional cigarette, but not for any amount of cigars. Are you looking for smoke or smell removal? Check out this thread for good info.
bvilchez 05:08 PM 03-29-2011
Originally Posted by cristina5448:
No iahvent tried yet...but i want to try...I’m also a social smoker, have been for 13 years, I’ve tried unfiltered for a weekend and didn’t enjoy it all that much so I went back filtered..

[deleted spam link]
filtered cigars[/url]
How about you head on over to the New Inmate Processing Area and introduce yourself. Let us know a little about yourself, i.e. what marcas and vitolas you prefer, etc.

It might help out more than just posting a link.

Just my :-)
Skywalker 02:38 PM 08-23-2011
I was at a B&M recently, and they were using a couple of these in the lounge!

They seemed to work great!

There were five us smoking and no smoke in the room!

I'm thinking of one for my garage!!!
Bill86 03:12 PM 08-23-2011
Oh those filters, eh they work to an extent.......

I'd say they do much better for cigarettes then cigars.