kaisersozei 11:15 AM 11-20-2009
So my son Alex (SyscoKid) tells me that he and 2 of his Theta Chi brothers had all of their car tires slashed last night outside their apartment at Radford.
:-) Police reports have been filled out and insurance will be covering towing & most of the cost of his replacement tires--fortunately, car was locked & no other vandalism, theft, or injury. But what a pain in the ass.
wtf is wrong with people who resort to sh*t like this?
str8edg 11:20 AM 11-20-2009
here here...
I work in the school system way up here and I don't know what's getting into kids these days... not that I am that old, but I think it is getting worse.
Why did you throw that kids shoes out side during a blizzard?" I asked two kids yesterday
I don't know, I was bored."
I felt like tossing them both outside right there... or at least letting the victim give them each a free kick in the ass
kydsid 11:31 AM 11-20-2009
Don't they know anything? Slashing a tire can be a Class A Misdemeanor or even Felony Destruction because of the value of the tire. Smart people cut the valve stems, they only cost $5.
P.S. That is really a crappy thing to do. But if it's anything like anyones days in College the offender will be found and subject to 'peer' review.
elderboy02 11:54 AM 11-20-2009
Scumbags. I know how you feel. I just got $500 worth of stuff stolen and insurance won't cover it
poker 12:22 PM 11-20-2009
That sucks. I'd be crying if someone slashed my tires. Just last year I paid 1600 for my set of Pilot Sport 2's.
marge796 12:32 PM 11-20-2009
Sorry this happened to your son and his friends. Unfortunately It's a F-up world we live in.
Skywalker 02:13 PM 11-20-2009
F'ing punks!!!:-)
Probably some sorority girls looking for some giggles!!!:-)
icantbejon 02:22 PM 11-20-2009
Sorry about his luck Gerard...tell him to take it out on a few punk Soldiers in a few years. It will make him feel better.
kelmac07 03:15 PM 11-20-2009
Originally Posted by Skywalker:
F'ing punks!!!:-)
:-) Exactly!!
MedicCook 03:54 PM 11-20-2009
Bored teenagers do stupid things.
The fall of western civilization has it's bad side and good side.
First, we don't have to worry about passing on debt to our kids, they will
welch on it, and they are ruining their chances at a good life anyway. So
pile on the federal debt.
BUT let us not forget the lapse in morals coinciding with the invention of the digital camera. Now we get to see what idiot collge and high school girls look like naked, and it's all becasue they do not think.
But the fact that I am going to have to pay for the brain cancer of these people who drive down the road constantly talking on a device that in my time never left the kitchen, unless you had a really long cord.
hotreds 06:05 PM 11-20-2009
You know what's really sad? You can't do anything to these punks! I remember Albert Belle getting into trouble for chasing punks who egged his house. Like- it was his fault, these were just kids blowing off steam. A wise man once told me that proof positive this is a f-uped world is that good people are behind lock and key and the miscreants run free on the streets.
floydpink 06:09 PM 11-20-2009
I'd bet it was those frat boys over at ZBT and a good retaliation is in order.