Wanger 08:12 AM 11-20-2009
to my beautiful wife Siouxgal!!! It's been 3 years, and I hope for MANY MANY more!!! :-D
I love you baby!
RightAJ 08:16 AM 11-20-2009
Conrats buddy! Happy Anniversary
replicant_argent 08:20 AM 11-20-2009
Enjoy your Relaxation and er... Meat-fest.
that sounds wrong.. but I do mean it....
Scottw 08:24 AM 11-20-2009
tobii3 08:34 AM 11-20-2009
68TriShield 08:46 AM 11-20-2009
MedicCook 09:43 AM 11-20-2009
madwilliamflint 09:44 AM 11-20-2009
Emjaysmash 10:00 AM 11-20-2009
Mazel Tov! May you have many more!!
(And hopefully you'll look at the camera this time...
Skywalker 10:02 AM 11-20-2009
Coincidence - Heather and I celebrated our third anniversary this week as well!!! Very cool!!!
csbrewfisher 10:34 AM 11-20-2009
"The world says of marriage: A short joy and a long displeasure. But he who understands it finds in it delight, love, and joy without ceasing." ~ Martin Luther
Congratulations to you two.
Don Fernando 12:08 PM 11-20-2009
JE3146 01:55 PM 11-20-2009
kelmac07 03:17 PM 11-20-2009
Congrats Mike &'s to many more brother!!