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General Discussion>check this out! one world government?
beamish 06:01 PM 11-09-2009
Tio Gato 06:48 PM 11-09-2009
Things like this make me glad I don't have children.:-)
troy d. 06:51 PM 11-09-2009
I have seen this video. All we can do is pray for our leaders to have enough wisdom not to follow these treaties.
Poronico 07:37 PM 11-09-2009
These propaganda vids have been floating around for YEARS, google Zeitgeist and watch those vids
Santesyu 08:53 PM 11-09-2009
Originally Posted by Poronico:
These propaganda vids have been floating around for YEARS, google Zeitgeist and watch those vids
LOL yeah you are right ...
bobarian 09:06 PM 11-09-2009
I am beginning to get that itch!

But I still like cake!:-)
Starscream 09:20 PM 11-09-2009
Originally Posted by bobarian:
I am beginning to get that itch!

But I still like cake!:-)
Cigar_Noob 10:14 PM 11-09-2009
I heard of this recently..ehh..I'm a patriot however unlikely it would seem that a "one world government" would be formed and we lose a good chunk of our sovereignty...I would defend our any means. :P see ya'll on the front lines lol.